MAST Center & Partner Posters from NCFR 2020
MAST Center and partners from Child Trends and the National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR) presented posters at the 2020 virtual NCFR Annual Conference in November, 2020:
- Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Evaluation Research: A Detailed Synthesis summarizes findings from a comprehensive review of the evaluation literature on HMRE programs and identifies critical next steps for understanding the effectiveness of HMRE programs. (Ilana Huz, Deja Logan, Mindy E. Scott, and April Wilson from Child Trends)
- Relationship Quality and its Measurement Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Review of the Literature presents an overview of the measurement trends and findings regarding relationship quality among adolescents and young adults from a comprehensive review of journal articles, book chapters, and reports published over the past decade. (Eric Sevareid, Paul Hemez, Karen Benjamin Guzzo, Susan L. Brown, and Krista K. Payne from NCFMR at Bowling Green State University)