Journal of Marriage and Family: 2020 Decade in Review
In February, Journal of Marriage and Family has released its 2020 Decade in Review issue, available to the public at no cost for a full year.
The issue sought review essays that would critically evaluate the empirical findings of the past decade with attention to theoretical, methodological, and analytic contributions and limitations. Sensitivity to issues of gender, race/ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation was also important, and we asked authors to consider heterogeneity in empirical findings as well as any omissions across these domains. Where relevant, attention to both domestic and international research was also encouraged. In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of family science, we asked authors to incorporate research from the full range of disciplines and methodological approaches that shaped the past decade of relevant scholarship. A final goal was to provide in each essay a framework to guide future family scholarship on the topic. (Edited abstract)