EXTENDED APPLICATION DEADLINE: The 2023 MAST Center Graduate Internship Program
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Applications are now due by 5:00 PM ET Friday, September 30, 2022
The MAST Center is pleased to announce the call for applications for our 2023 Graduate Internship Program, which aims to connect emerging scholars to our work as well as a broader network of researchers and practitioners interested in relationships and families. The program is open to graduate students in master’s or Ph.D. programs, as well as individuals who completed a master’s program within the last year. The internship is a paid six-month position from approximately January through June 2023. We seek applicants who demonstrate a strong interest in further developing their research expertise in 1) marriage, romantic relationships, and families; and 2) HMRE program implementation and effectiveness for stepfamilies or LGBTQIA+ populations.
MAST Center team members from Child Trends will work with the Interns to develop a work plan that supports ongoing MAST Center research or building capacity activities and that is aligned with the Interns’ skills and interests. Likely internship activities include:
- An annotated bibliography summarizing research, HMRE program design, and evaluation results focused on stepfamilies or LGBTQIA+ populations to help identify future priorities in those areas.
- Supporting some building capacity activities, including (1) reviewing resources to be included in the online resource library for HMRE practitioners, evaluators, and researchers, and/or (2) identifying useful resources to be included on the emerging scholars page of the website.